How to Measure Results and Track Your SEO Progress?

In order to measure your SEO progress and results, you will need to track certain metrics. Here are some metrics that are important to track:

Number of organic visitors: This metric will show you how many people are finding your website through search engines. You can use Google Analytics to track this metric.  You can also visit this site: to learn more about Search Engine Optimization.

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Click-through rate: This metric measures how often people who see your website in search results click on it. A higher click-through rate means that your website is relevant to the searcher’s query and is ranking well.

Leads generated: This metric measures how many leads (potential customers) you have generated from your SEO efforts. If you have a contact form on your website, you can track how many people fill it out as a result of coming from a search engine.

Sales generated: This metric measures how much revenue your SEO efforts have generated. If you sell products or services online, you can track this metric by looking at the sales that come through as a result of traffic from search engines. 

Keyword rankings: This metric measures where your website ranks for specific keywords. You can use a tool such as Ahrefs to track your keyword rankings over time. 

By tracking these metrics, you can measure your SEO progress and results over time. This will allow you to make adjustments as needed in order to ensure that your SEO efforts are yielding the desired results.